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《跨文化对话》 第47辑 目录2022年  商务印书馆




Table of Contents


特 稿

    Special column

回归与宇宙的对话  [法]金丝燕

Jin Siyan , Retour au dialogue avec le cosmos


法国汉学渊源及其文化背景  [法]白乐桑

Joël Bellasse , La sinologie française, source et confluence


比利时汉学史  [比利时]巴得胜 (刘修远 译)

Bart Dessein , translated by Liu Xiuyuan , The Origins of Chinese Studies in Belgium


英国的汉学和汉字教学渊源刍议  [英]张新生

Zhang Xinsheng George , Some Preliminary Reflections upon the Origin of Sinology and Chinese Characters Learning and Teaching in Britain


死亡的生命意义——《死亡的五次沉思》译后记  [法]裴 程

Pei Cheng , Commentary on Translation of Five Rethinking about Death


论 稿


宗教信仰与构建绿色文明——绿色文明与跨文化研究的对话(下)  李晓西

Li Xiaoxi , On the Potential Role of Religions in Building the Green Civilization: A Dialogue Between the Green Civilization and Transcultural Studies(Part II)


钟敬文、盐谷温与非经学神话研究  董晓萍

Dong Xiaoping , Research on Myths in Non-Confucian Classics by Zhong Jinwen and しぉのゃぉん


鸟巢禅师:现代中印佛教人文交流的特例  陈 明

Chen Ming , Meditation Master Bird Nest: A Special Case of Sino-Indian Buddhist Cultural Exchange during the Modern China


文学的交流:阅读书目与相似性的优先问题——以瑞溪周凤《卧云藁》的校注为例  张哲俊

Zhang Zhejun , Literary Communication: Priority of the Bibliography Reading and the Similarity——Taking the Annotation by Zuikei Syuuhou Gaunngou as An Example


敦煌写经《法句经疏》(P.2325)书写因缘蠡测  张 远

Zhang Yuan , Commentaries on Fa Ju Jing(p.2325, Biblionthèque Nationale de France), A Volume of Dunhuang Manuscript that Written by Hundreds of Person-Time, as an Example


国际民俗学研究的几个问题:20世纪60至80年代——以美国民俗学派为主  陈顿斐

Chen Dunfei , Study of Some Basic Questions in International Folkoritics from 1960-1980th: Mainly on the School of American Folkloristics


寄居与流动:法国手工艺传承发展的两个主要特征  胡小宇

Hu Xiaoyu , Dwelling and Mobility: Two Charastics of the Crafts Transmission in France


幻与真之间:让•科克托笔下的近代中国形象  李 诺

Li Nou , Between the Myth and Reality: Modern China in Jean Cocteau's Works


美国文学的公共议题与私人书写  陈俐利

Chen Lili , Public Issue and Private Writing in American Literature


从本土暴力到流亡散居——2020拉美文坛年度报告  李琼璐

Li Qionglu , From Indigenous Violence Writing to Exile and Diaspora Writing: An Annual Report of 2020 Latin American Literature


“他们的波尔金诺”——2020年俄罗斯文学动态述评  胡 颖

Hu Ying , "Their Bolkino": A review of Russian literature in 2020



    Special Editions: Aid to Higher Education for Qinghai Normal University and Study on Transcultural Studies

“教育援青”新书出版与跨文化中国学教育  顾 青

Gu Qing , Newly Series for Humanities Displine Development During Aid to Qinghai and the Seminar on Transcultural Studies on China's Culture and Society


密切关注青海的语文教育  王 宁

Wang Ning , Close Attention to Chinese Education in Qinghai Regions


青藏高原生态文化建设与“教育援青”的价值  史培军

Shi Peijun , Construction of Ecological Enviroment and Its Culture on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Value of "Aid to Qinghai"


《大唐西域记》研究与北京大学东方学的发展历程  陈 明

Chen Ming , The Study on Western Regions of Tang Dynasty and History of Oriental Research in Peking University


《大唐西域记》藏文译本刍议  卓泽加

Drotse Gyal , Tibetan Translation of Hsuan-Tsang's Ta Tang-si-yu-ki in Qinghai Area


短 讯


“教育援青”新书发布会暨跨文化中国学与铸牢中华民族共同体意识研讨会  青海师大高科院丝路跨文化研究中心

Research Center for Silk Road in Qinghai Area of Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainbility at People's Government of Qinghai Province & BNU , Press on Newly Series for Humanities Disipline Development of Qinghai Higher Education and Seminar on Transcultural Studies on China's Culture and Society


法国阿尔多瓦大学孔子学院举办“中国语言与'文'”国际研讨会暨第十五届欧洲孔子学院汉语教师与本土教师培训  刘 曼

Liu Man , International Seminar and 15th Academic Training Seminar for Chinese Teachers of Europe "Speech, Language and the 'Wen'" Held by Confucius Institute of Artois in France


《跨文化研究的理论与方法》与前沿人文学科基础用书  王婉莹 杨宗元

On the Frontline of Theory and Method of Transcultural Studies By Yue Daiyun and Chen Yueguang


“档案•手稿•知识建构:北京大学与中国东方学”学术工作坊暨纪念季羡林、金克木先生学术成就座谈会成功举办  北京大学东方学研究中心 / 北京大学外国语学院

Center for Studies of Eastern Literatures at PKU & School of Foreign Languages of Peking University , The Workshop on "Archives-Manuscripts-Construction of Knowlegde: Peking University and Oriental Studies in China" and the Symposium in Honor of the Academic Achievements of Prof. Ji Xianlin and Prof. Jin Kemu Have Been Sucessfully Held





Author and Translator


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